Grad student Nathan Crock attended Sunposium 2015, the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience biennial conference in Jupiter, Florida. The Sunposium highlights some of the most complex issues at the forefront of understanding neural circuits, and features world-renowned scientists from research institutes and universities throughout the US and Europe. While he was at the March event, Crock discussed his research, and was invited to the Planck Institute for a collaboration.

"During the poster session I came across some research about astrocytes that I found very interesting. After a long 1.5 hour discussion with the authors of the poster, we agreed that a collaboration may be mutually beneficial. Our contribution to their work is to develop signal processing and computer vision tools to process and analyze their data. When I returned to FSU, we had a video conference call and began our collaboration. We have made solid progress together and the mpfi researchers asked that I go down and work with them for the rest of the summer.”

Nathan Crock

Crock works with Professor Gordon Erlebacher in the Department of Scientific Computing. He left for Tampa on June 15th.

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