Two Scientific Computing professors are away this term, having been selected for sabbaticals. Professors Anke Meyer-Baese and Peter Beerli will spend Spring 2016 doing research after being awarded one-semester of research leave by the Office of Faculty Development.

In her research, Meyer-Baese will study ways to enhance computer-aided diagnosis systems in breast MRI and computational radiology of breast cancers. Beerli plans to continue development of model averaging and model selection approaches that will make it easier for researchers to test particular population genetic and phylogenetic hypotheses.

For more information on faculty sabbaticals, go to For more on the Department of Scientific Computing, go to

Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
Phone: (850) 644-1010
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing