Florida State University and the Department of Scientific Computing are pleased and excited to host MMM2008, the international Multiscale Materials Modeling conference. MMM is an international conference for materials science scholars and professionals to exchange research findings, examine complex problems, develop innovative theoretical concepts, and address issues of practical application in materials modeling. MMM2008, the fourth occurrence of this progressive and influential conference, will be held at the Tallahassee/Leon County Civic Center October 27 – 31st.

An impressive line-up of plenary, guest and invited speakers are on program. FSU’s own Sir Harold Kroto, Nobel Prize winner for chemistry, will give the opening plenary. Other invited speakers and workshop presenters include Weinan E. from Princeton University, Nasr Ghoniem, of UCLA, Stephane Roux from Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Ted Belytschko of Northwestern University, and Ben Ben Larson from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The program, “Tackling Materials Complexities via Computational Science,” includes symposia on:

  • Mathematical Issues in Multiscale Materials Modeling
  • Statistical Methods for Materials Deformation and Failure
  • Multiscale Mechanics
  • Multiscale Modeling of Microstructure Evolution in Materials
  • Computational Materials Design
  • Multiscale Modeling of Radiation Effects in Materials
  • Computational Modeling of Biological and Soft Condensed Matter Systems
  • Defects in Materials
  • Elasticity to Atomistics: Predictive Modeling of Defect Behavior

For more information and registration, please visit our website at http://mmm2008.sc.fsu.edu/

Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
Phone: (850) 644-1010
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing