SC Associate Professor Ming Ye has been selected as a 2012 recipient of the Department of Energy Early Career Award for his proposal, Computational Bayesian Framework for Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling. Ye was one of only 68 selectees chosen based on peer review of over 850 proposals and the only person selected for the award from FSU.

The goal of Ye’s research is a greater understanding of subsurface environmental systems. These systems are inherently open, complex and dynamic. Understanding and predicting system responses to natural forces and human activities assists scientists, practitioners and policy makers in managing water resources, cleaning subsurface contamination at DOE sites and providing expert analysis and long term stewardship of nuclear waste disposal and CO2 storage facilities.

Ye will receive $760,000 over five years.

For more information, visit Ye’s website or the home page of the FSU Department of Scientific Computing.

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