First year graduate student Aria Smith has been selected to attend the 2014 Graduate Cohort for Women workshop in California. The workshop is presented by the Computer Research Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research. The goal of the workshop is to increase the ranks of senior women in computing by building and mentoring nationwide communities of women during their graduate studies.

“I’m excited about seeing all the other women in the computing sciences who will be there. And the workshops! I’ll be able to interact and network with so many women from all over the country.” In addition to the other participants, Smith will meet with approximately twenty senior computing researchers and professionals who will share information and personal insights on graduate school, internship opportunities, professional networking, and career prospects. The Grad Cohort Workshop is in its tenth year. It will be held April 11-12th at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara.

For more information about the workshop and the organization, go to

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