On June 9th, SC grad student James Cheung will begin a summer internship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. Cheung will study with Cory Hauck at ORNL’s Computer Science and Mathematics Division at Oak Ridge.

Back in the Fall semester, Cheung noticed a posting on the bulletin board regarding ORNL’s HERE (Higher Education Research Experiences) Program and sent in his application, resume and letters of recommendation. At the end of the Spring semester, Hauck offered Cheung this position.

Cheung will work with Hauck and Miro Stoyanov to solve and analyze ordinary and partial differential equations. This research will advance Hauck’s work in uncertainty quantification sampling for a multiscale system, which may be applied to kinetic equations, charged particle motion in a magnetic field, and chemical reaction networks. The goal of this research is to increase efficiencies in multilevel system modeling.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is located near Knoxville in east central Tennessee. ORNL’s scientific programs focus on materials, neutron science, energy, high-performance computing, systems biology and national secutiry.

For more information on Oak Ridge, go to http://www.ornl.gov.

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